More Radio Silence

I haven’t updated since September? Whoops.

In my defense, it has been a busy fall over here. In addition to the still semi-new job, I’ve been working on a bunch of non-house projects. Lots of them for my web design class (which is killing my free time, but I love it regardless). After the pipe project website, which you’ve seen, I redesigned an existing homepage:



Then, I made this silly, interactive web art piece that pulls in tweets about bubbles and animates them like… bubbles (go tweet to it, it’s fun to see your message pop up!):

For my final project, I’m thinking of giving this here blog a new home. I’d especially like to include a clickable floorplan of the house that allows you to explore a timeline of renovation-in-progress photos by room. And by you, I mean me. I need to see lots of “before” pictures to remind me of how far we’ve come. ‘Cause it seems like nothing is getting done around here these days.

In other art an design news, I just finished up an Etsy commission – my first!

I was asked to create this graphite drawing of the architectural details of the buyer’s seriously awesome house. This is more of a geometric style than what I typically draw for fun, but I enjoyed taking on the challenge.

For more of my Etsy work, you can always visit my shop. ;)