Distracted by Pipes. Again.

I owe you more 2-year update photos, but I’m distracted. By homework, of all things. Did I mention that I’m taking a web design course? I’ve wanted to get some proper instruction on mastering teh internets for a while, but it wasn’t until I got my new job that the cost issue was resolved (read: the course is free through my very generous employer).

I’ve spent some insane amount of time on my first project (11 hours and counting), so I wanted to share it. And it’s house related! Our assignment was to create a site in which the content exists on one page -– no links leading to longer urls allowed. Well, except for anchors. But you know what I mean.

So I designed a visual tutorial of how to assemble the pipe shelving unit project. Come check it out:

Pipe website!

The class is designing using code only (no dragging page elements around -– actually, no visual editor period!), so I wrote the whole thing from scratch in what is basically a notepad file. And I made all the vector drawings, and the animation… and now I understand why I have a headache. Keeping up with these college kids is not easy. They run on Red Bull and require no sleep.

Speaking of web design, Ye Olde House Blogge could use a makeover… why is my header image broken?

Sigh. There’s always another project to tackle.