Day 42: Don’t Panic

I’m still here. With pictures!

Work is progressing slowly. My available time is hovering around one weekend day per week, plus a few mid-week evening hours when I can manage it. Consequently, this project is poking along. On the one hand, I made myself a promise that I would not move my bed back upstairs until I had installed baseboards. On the other, sleeping in the dining room seriously sucks. So on Sunday I compromised:

I installed one board. Good enough!

So the bed is back where it belongs. The little patterned wool throw I grabbed in the IKEA as-is section for $10 while I was shopping for window blinds. It will probably live downstairs at some point. But it’s so drab in here that I’m keeping it nearby for now.

I finally – finally! – got these closet doors back up. I have a set of double doors and a set of single, and I had taken them all apart to paint them. When I started to run out of paint I thought I should re-hang everything and just concentrate of the front faces of the doors. I should have numbered them. The single doors are a quarter of an inch wider than the double doors (who does that?!), and of course I mixed them up and caused myself a huge headache. Also headache worthy: all of the doors scraped against the new carpet. So they were all given a bit of a shave with a miter saw and a palm sander.

The doors need another coat of this purple, but I do like the variation in the color here. Perhaps when they’re solidly purple I’ll go back over them with an uneven wash of inky blue.

Next up: Lots and lots and lots of trim!