Ok. Fatigue with the project is setting in.
This thing looks better, though! You’re probably not supposed to patch wood with drywall compound, but the contractors left a bucket of it so this repair was free. Since my art school days, I have been a firm believer that spackle (and related products) solves all problems. And the only thing better than spackle is free spackle.
There are approximately six coats of it on this board. I think there may be six coats on my brain, as well. Certainly up my nose.
I had hoped to prime this thing today but of course, I’m behind schedule. With the carpet coming on Monday I have myself convinced that any work I ever wanted to do in my hallway should be done NOW. For the last four days I’ve run home from my job, grabbed the putty knife, and attempted to patch every fingernail-sized scratch in sight. I even got up at 6:00am on Tuesday in order to fit two spackle layers in on one day. I need to stop and get this thing painted, already!
Ugh. You guys. I would show you more pictures, but seriously, I’m so exhausted. I shouldn’t even be typing right now. In fact, I’m going to bed.
(Don’t even tell me to put a bird on it. I’m too wiped out to check Youtube so I won’t know what that means until approximately next Tuesday. Although this is kind of hilarious.)